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Plastic Pet Bottles , Plastic Pet Bottles Suppliers

Globally, in the packaging sector plastic pet bottles are the strongest performers. It is a well known fact that PET is the most popular polymer used for manufacturing the plastic bottles and related products. There have been many research reports which indicate that the market for plastic packaging (primarily for food and water ) will witness above average growth across the globe. Plastic Pet bottles have better durability, design flexibility and are light weighted, which is why, they are fast replacing other traditional bottle making materials like glass, aluminium and so on.

Another advantage which plastic pet bottles have over traditional plastic is that it they are easily recyclable.This helps them overcome the arguments of the go-green brigade (against the use of plastics) and also do their bit to save planet earth in the long run. In addition to it, as the post-consumer waste (in the form of bottles etc.) is available in abundance , PET is quickly encroaching market share in the form of carpet fibre as well.

Recently, due to the rise in the cost of the raw material a few bottle manufacturers switched to tetra pack and other packaging alternatives, however, as the switch was made by a small segment it did not impact the pet bottle industry in any significant way. Coke - one of the largest manufacturers of the soft drinks in the world, reported a small dip in their profits due to the rise in the cost of plastic pet bottles. Experts suggest that the prices are expected to go down-south in the next few months and bring some relief to the industry. A side benefit of this price war was that coke along with some other pet bottle manufacturers have decide to launch their own recycling plant in the next few months.

Industry analyst points out that the Indian plastic pet bottles manufacturers and suppliers are performing good in the global arena. The main reason is the kind of quality and low cost offered as compared to other suppliers. Needless to say, the main competition remains from Chinese manufacturers who are aggressively penetrating the Indian as well other countries domestic segment. Plastic PET manufacturers based out of India are using innovative marketing campaigns to reach out to the emerging market economies so as to eventually expand their profit base.

PS : If you deal in Plastic pet bottles , get your online catalogue today and make profits by tapping the business queries being generated on the web, 24/7


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