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Persian Carpets

Nothing symbolises Persian art and culture, like a Persian carpet. The carpet weaving industry has been associated with Persia since its very mention was made in ancient texts. Iran is the epicentre of Persian carpets production. As per the last statistics, Iran’s exports of hand-woven carpets was $420 million or 30% of the world's market. Carpet weaving is one of the main occupation of Iranian population just next to oil based jobs. A rough estimate says that Persian carpets are exported to more than 100 countries. Recently after US sanctions this segment started facing a lot of competition mostly in the form of replicas. Buyers are having a tough time identifying which one is genuine and which one isn't.

Experts reveal that Persian carpets can be divided into three main categories: Farsh / Qālii (sized around 6x4 feet), Qālicheh (sized 6x4 feet and smaller) and nomadic carpets known as Gelim or Kilim.

Traditionally only the hand woven carpets used to be traded, however, as the demand started exceeding the supply, mechanized production came into existence. For obvious reasons, the traditional hand woven carpets are priced steeper (as their production is less) as compared to regular mechanized ones. As discussed above, carpet weaving is a huge source of employment and bring a sizable forex for any country. In Iran itself, Persian carpets weaving employs around 5 million workers.

Globally, Persian carpets are available in large number of layouts, patterns and motifs. A slight alteration and improvement can make huge difference in the final appearance. The patterns which are in great demand are the ones which depicts historic monuments and Islamic buildings, Shah Abbassi patterns, spiral patterns, tree patterns, Turkoman patterns, hunting ground patterns, derivative patterns, interconnected patterns and paisley patterns. In the large area carpets utmost care is taken to check that the design is spread evenly and uniformly .

The Persian carpets manufactures and suppliers are realising the importance of investing in more research and development (R&D). The focus is to bring in high technology tools and machines to create fine carpets so as to make the originals available at a considerable price which would in turn help in combating the fake carpet industry. The carpet suppliers are confident of a workable breakthrough which could help them reach out to the masses without compromising on the quality.

PS: If you are dealing in Persian carpets, get your online catalog today and make profits by tapping the business queries being generated across the globe on the web 24/7.


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