This is an example of an alternating marquee...

Rotational Moulding

Rotational moulding also referred to as rotomoulding or rotocasting, is a process where in hollow plastic products are manufactured. This process is often carried out at high temperatures usually in a low pressure plastic through biaxial rotation in order to produce the required hollow as per the client's specification.

Rotomoulding machine
has great usage in the industrial and the manufacturing sector. It is used to make complex medical products, leisure craft, toys etc. Just like with any other industrial or mechanical process, there are numerous pros and cons involved. The main advantages for using rotational moulding process are

1. The process can be completed in one go with no weld lies or joints.
2. The process is inexpensive and is true even for small scale production.
3. Almost negligible material wastage.
4. Multiple products can be molded together on a single machine.

However on the other side. The main disadvantages are

1. The manufacturing process is time taking process.
2. Sometimes the cost of raw material used make this process slightly expensive.

Rotational moulding machines comes in various types and sizes. The one which are commonly used are carousel types, shuttle types and clam shell moulding machines. Carousel type machines generally use 3 -4 arms on which the molds are mounted which rotates the parts bi axially going through the usual process of heating, loading and cooling (in each cycle).These machines are highly energy efficient and give better productivity.

Shuttle type rotomoulding machines have two carts which move in and around the oven.These machine usually occupy less space, however, the rate at which they produce parts isn't that high. The last but not the least are the Clam shell machines , which run one part at a time. Experts add that these machines are more efficient than open flame machines however may not produce as many parts as any multi arm machines does.

On the global scene, China is the most dominant market player followed by India and some other South American countries. As times are changing, the Indian made rotational moulding machines are getting popular and are doing brisk business overall. All in all, the suppliers and manufacturers of these machines are highly optimistic about making the most of the ongoing industrial boom and rake in huge profits.

PS : If you are a rotomoulding machine supplier or manufacturer get your online catalog today and make profits by tapping the business queries being generated across the globe on the web 24/7.


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